Renault Tomtom Europe Maps Download

Posted By admin On 03.01.21

Keep your maps up-to-date to ensure you don't get caught out by any changes to the road network. Download via PC or MAC Answers to all of your questions about Carminat TomTom.

The TomTom LIVE Services includes :

TomTom HD Traffic

  1. Instead of paying for a TomTom maps download, you can get support through something called Map Share, a crowdsource-based reporting tool available to device owners.This information is reported by members on an ongoing basis and includes data like speed limit updates, street and directional changes, blocked roads and changes in turn restrictions.
  2. A new version of the Europe map for R-Link 1 is available. If you have a valid map subscription, the update will automatically install on the SD card using the R-Link toolbox. How to update map on R-Link.

This services allows you to receive detailed incident reports about traffic delays and incidents. It includes the following features:

  • Informs you of the length and reason of the delays,
  • Travel and arrival times
  • Offers you alternative route proposals.
  • Real time information updated every 2 minutes
  • Covers up to 95% of highways, as well as A and B roads.

Mobile Speed Cameras

The TomTom Mobile Speed Cameras gives you advanced warnings on fixed speed cameras and real-time warnings for mobile speed cameras. Download microsoft office for mac torrent. This services warns about the following cameras:

  • Mobile speed cameras
  • Fixed speed cameras
  • Red light cameras
  • Bi-directional cameras
  • Vehicle restriction cameras
  • Average speed checks
  • Mobile camera hotspots and accident black spots
  • (Ungated) railway crossings

LIVE QuickGPSfix

Your Carminat TomTom device uses the signals of at least 4 satellites to find out where you are in order to start navigating. The LIVE QuickGPSfix speeds up the time it takes to fix your GPS position, helping you to set off within 30 seconds - even when the GPS signal is weak or partially blocked.

Tomtom Carminat Renault Europe Map Download


This service gives you local, daily, and five-day forecasts on your TomTom device, helping you make plans based on the weather.

TomTom Places

TomTom Places allows you to search for certain specific locations and businesses in order to navigate to these.

If you would like more detailed information about LIVE Services and its features you can find it here:

Free Maps For Tomtom

In order to update your GPS device: Renault Carminat TomTom with the latest update, follow next instructions.

First of all, be sure you got the update file for your Renault Carminat TomTom device, downloaded from


If still haven't got it, you can get it now filling the form you see on this page.

  1. Extract files from the SpeedcamUpdates zip package. If the file you have downloaded is not a ZIP file means the file is already decompressed, and you can continue with the next step of this installation instructions.
  2. For your information
    There are 3 different methods to install speed cameras in your TomTom device, depending on the capabilities and release date.
  3. Method 1.

  4. This method is valid if you're able to connect your Renault Carminat TomTom device to your PC Computer and get access to the main shared folder of the device.
  5. Plug your Renault Carminat TomTom device to your computer thru USB cable. If everything goes well you should see a new drive that you can explore using Windows Explorer or Finder if you use Mac.
  6. Using the file explorer look for the folder with a region or country name, like Western Europe, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom.
  7. Copy the extracted files from SpeedcamUpdates, OV2 and BMP, into the map folder you identified in the step before.
  8. You can enable alerts, and set warning audio when approaching to the speed cameras, in the Enable Alerts section.
  9. For your information
    In order to use Method 2 or Method 3 you have to install TomTom Software. Follow next instructions to do it.
    Download and install software MyDrive from TomTom.
    You need a registered TomTom account.
    Connect your TomTom device to your computer and run 'MyDrive Connect' software.
  10. Sign in to your Renault Carminat TomTom account
  11. Register your Renault Carminat TomTom device or select it if it is already registered.
  12. You're ready now to choose Method 2 or Method 3 for speed cameras installation.
  13. Method 2.

  14. Using Route Planner
  15. Go to website: MyDrive
  16. Do login and click Route Planner => My Places =>POI Files => Import POI file
  17. Select each OV2 file you've downloaded from SpeedcamUpdates and press Import button.
  18. Files will be automatically transfered to your Renault Carminat TomTom device.
  19. You can enable alerts, and set warning audio when approaching to the speed cameras, in the Enable Alerts section.
  20. Method 3.

  21. Using Add Community content with MyDrive
  22. Right click in MyDrive Connect icon in the system tray and select Manage community content
  23. You have to add each OV2 file downloaded from SpeedcamUpdates by pressing Add Poi button. Remember to add the associated bmp too which is included in the downloaded files.
  24. When you finish press Install to transfer all information to your device.
  25. Enable Alerts
    In order to enable alertes go to Main > Settings > POI settings > Warn when approaching a POI
    Search the categories where speedcams are located
    Select distance and warning sound per each category
    A speaker icon will be shown close to the category name.

For your information
Remember you can customize freely your download. Get access to the customer control panel and using the customization tool in order to get a customized speedcam database according to your needs. You will need this tool if your device doesn't accept the size of the new update. You can add and remove countries speedcam data to your current setup.


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