Power And Sample Size Calculator Mac App Download

Posted By admin On 06.01.21
Command:Sample size
Survival analysis (logrank test)

Emphasise the ease of calculating the sample size from the equations provided. Details of how to obtain the app are provided in Table 1. Table 1: How to obtain the app SampSize The SampSize app is available on the Apple App Store to download for free and can be used on iPod Touch, iPad and iPhones. The app is also available on the Android Market. Use our sample size calculator to rapidly calculate sample size for a multitude of scenarios. Sample size calculator with 100’s of sample size and power calculation procedures; With Plotting Features, easily conduct a variety of “What-If” scenarios to align your final sample size choice with your scientific and budgetary requirements.

  • The sample size changes dinamically with every change in the inputs of margin of error, confidence level, population size and proportion. Find, download, and install iOS apps safely from the App Store.
  • G.Power; SUDAAN; Sample Power; RESOURCES. Annotated Output; Data Analysis Examples; Frequently Asked Questions; Seminars; Textbook Examples; Which Statistical Test? Remote Consulting; Books for Loan; Services and Policies. Walk-In Consulting; Email Consulting; Fee for Service; FAQ; Software Purchasing and Updating; Consultants for.
  • G.Power is free software and available for Mac OS X and Windows XP/Vista/7/8. 1.1 Types of analysis G.Power offers five different types of statistical power analysis: 1.A priori (sample size N is computed as a function of power level 1 b, significance level a, and the to-be-detected population effect size) 2.Compromise (both a and 1 b are.
  • Sample Size - Power Analysis Software: To find or calculate the sample size for a planned study. Power And Precision is a computer program for statistical power analysis. This software features an extremely clear interface, and it allows researchers to create reports, tables and graphs. Free trial download.
  • How the sample size calculator works The calculator helps you determine the number of people you need to survey (your sample size calculation) based the level of accuracy you want to achieve. Accuracy is determined by the following three variables: 1. Population size. Population size is the total number of people in the audience you want to study.


Calculates the required sample size for the comparison of survival rates in two independent groups.

Required input

  • Type I error - alpha: the probability of making a Type I error (α-level, two-sided), i.e. the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when in fact it is true.
  • Type II error - beta: the probability of making a Type II error (β-level), i.e. the probability of accepting the null hypothesis when in fact it is false.
  • Survival rate Group 1: the hypothesized survival rate in the first group.
  • Survival rate Group 2: the hypothesized survival rate in the second group.
  • Ratio of sample sizes in Group 1 / Group 2: the ratio of the sample sizes in group 1 and 2. Enter 1 for equal sample sizes in both groups. Enter 2 if the number of cases in group 1 must be double of the number of cases in group 2.
Power And Sample Size Calculator Mac App Download


You are interested in detecting a difference between survival rates of 0.6 and 0.4. You plan to have twice as many cases in the first group as in the second group.

/piano-tuner-download-for-mac.html. For α-level you select 0.05 and for β-level you select 0.20 (power is 80%).

Zip password tool 2.3 serial key. Enter the values 0.6 and 0.4 for the Survival rates in Group 1 and Group 2, and enter 2 for the Ratio of sample sizes.


After you click Calculate the program displays the required sample size.

In the example 129 cases are required in Group 1 and 65 cases in Group 2, giving a total of 194 cases.

A table shows the required total sample size for different Type I and Type II Error levels.

Power And Sample Size Calculator Mac App Download Free


  • Machin D, Campbell MJ, Tan SB, Tan SH (2009) Sample size tables for clinical studies. 3rd ed. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

See also

Recommended book

Sample Size Tables for Clinical Studies
David Machin, Michael J. Campbell, Say-Beng Tan, Sze-Huey Tan

Buy from Amazon US - CA - UK - DE - FR - ES - IT

Sample Sizes for Clinical, Laboratory and Epidemiology Studies includes the sample size software (SSS) and formulae and numerical tables needed to design valid clinical studies. The text covers clinical as well as laboratory and epidemiology studies and contains the information needed to ensure a study will form a valid contribution to medical research.


Free Calculator For Mac

The authors, noted experts in the field, explain step by step and explore the wide range of considerations necessary to assist investigational teams when deriving an appropriate sample size for their when planned study. The book contains sets of sample size tables with companion explanations and clear worked out examples based on real data. In addition, the text offers bibliography and references sections that are designed to be helpful with guidance on the principles discussed.